AMAZON online store is that the largest online shopping center in the world which will answer your desires by providing Lastolite Hi-Lite Background 6'x7' "High Key" Photographic Background with complete-leading brand, each regionally and internationally. We provide Lastolite Hi-Lite Background 6'x7' "High Key" Photographic Background is usually the most recent trend following which gives several choices Lastolite Hi-Lite Background 6'x7' "High Key" Photographic Background to enhance your life. Numerous Lastolite Hi-Lite Background 6'x7' "High Key" Photographic Background will easily be found here. We have a tendency to additionally give Your search with ease in navigation menu structure is easy and straightforward. Notice and acquire the gathering Lastolite Hi-Lite Background 6'x7' "High Key" Photographic Background just in the Centre of searching on-line, AMAZON.
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Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.Lastolite high kay background
By snakelimit
I just start my expirance with photography and when looking after ,good and no to much expensive backdroop/backgroundI find that one, by mistake but when see vid about it(lastolite website) and how EZ is make portali shoots with minimum postproduction I knowed is that what I wantIs very Ez to set up and packing back, on lastolite website you can watch lots of vid about how and when use , very helpful tips,The best results are with at last 400w lights my kit was 180w and dont work as i want them with background.Producent write the 200 w should do ok but with 400 will be much beterThe good tip is use another 2 lights on front of background (when shoots full body on train )where is conection that way all background is white and zero postproduction very good for evens and print after shootsThat product is ideal for home and for studio as well it suprise me how big it is almost full hight of room :DI will newer use my old background(fabric)
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.Saves time
By Iwade Steve
Great product especially with the optional train, I use this with just one flash head and give me a pure white, probably the best invention since sliced bread.Once you've mastered collapsing it, it can be ready in 4 and a half minutes to shoot.I am very impressed with this product from lastolite, I use it free standing.You can use it with coloured gels too to get different coloured background. I also use it without lights with a snoot and honeycombe attached and it produces rich shadows
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.Incredibly useful - but hard to put away
By Martin Turner
The Lastolite Hi-Lite is a pop up double skin background designed to be illuminated from the inside. It's used to create the 'blown-out' pure white background which is popular for contemporary portraits and massively assists in producing cut-outs for compositing or graphic design. Unlike conventional backgrounds, which should be placed at twice the distance from the subject as the subject from the camera, the Hi-Lite can be placed right up against the subject, saving enormous amounts of space and also providing rear wrap-round light. This is a very useful piece of kit, but, like all Lastolite pop-ups, it is very hard to put away until you have the knack for it.We've been using Hi-Lites for about five years now. Prior to this, blowing out the background was a tricky case of careful illumination and a very white surface. Otherwise, for standard backgrounds, we needed about 20' of space to get the correct proportions in. The alternative was post-cutting out in Photoshop which, even with Mask Pro was a long and painful business.The Hi-Lite solves a lot of problems in one: you need less lights, as it provides background illumination and rear illumination, you need very little space to use it, it takes almost no time to set up -- it literally pops out and then you put in four strut pieces and you are ready. It fits in the boot of most cars, has no long poles to be manoeuvred round things, and the results are completely consistent as long as you use the same ratios and light position. If you add the Vinyl Train then you can shoot full length with no trouble about feet and shoes. Cutting out becomes a thing of the past.Just three of caveats.1 Lastolite claims that the Hi-Lite -- which acts like the biggest softbox you've ever seen -- means you only need one other light and no reflectors, since it provides all the wrap round you need. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but my experience is that you need a good, big reflector on the fill-light side or a third light, because although the rear wrap-around effect is lovely, it's still a rear wrap-around. I've tried shooting with the Hi-Lite at a steep angle, and that helps a bit, but it means the background is then only big enough for one person, not for small groups as you see in the advertisements. When shooting with the Hi-Lite, we found it best to get the key light up very close to the subject, and use a really big softbox.2 If you've ever struggled to get a small Lastolite reflector back into its bag, then the Hi-Lite is a monster. We've frequently spent twenty minutes with three people. Normally, just at the point of giving up, it suddenly happens, and we can never remember afterwards what we did. We've watched the YouTube videos again and again. To be fair, we did one in five minutes last night, though it didn't seem quite right when done. Once you have the knack it will be easy, but until then, expect to spend a bit of time putting it away. Of course, you save a lot of time putting it up.3 If you do get the vinyl train, it comes as a roll. This is good, because folding it would crease it. It does mean that your roll is 6' long, though, and this almost certainly won't fit in the boot of a car unless you put the seats down. Just so you know.Nonetheless, an incredibly useful piece of kit, especially for location photography or where you are working in a multi-purpose space and can't leave a dedicated background up.
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