Sale BPS Professional 1200W Photography Studio Flash Lighting Kit Strobe Fan Cooled Light 600W X 2 with 2 Softbox + free carrybag

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The price BPS Professional 1200W Photography Studio Flash Lighting Kit Strobe Fan Cooled Light 600W X 2 with 2 Softbox + free carrybag listed in AMAZON'S web site is costs "up to date" and cheap. Several programs that permit you to buy at a value of WOW. value discount price is treated as thirstily hoped-for. hour Sale with prices, often control to welcome vital festivals.
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- This 1200Ws Lighting kit are designed to meet the needs of the amateur photographers as well as the professionals, whether you are shooting fashion photos, portraits, weddings or product shoots, this kit will be ideal for you.
- Each 600Ws flash head features, adjustable flash down to 1/32 of full power, user changeable flash tubes, switchable 250w modelling lamps, fan cooling for prolonged use, Infrared light sensors and an additional easy to use rear handle allows for precise positioning.
- The user changeable flash tubes and modelling bulbs ensure both long life and colour consistency. Built-in cooling fan ensures that the flash capacitors and associated circuitry are kept to their optimum working temperature even during use. The rear control panel provides user friendly controls that allow the flash and modelling lamp intensity to be set, it also provide the choice of audible or silent recycling indication and proportional or full power modelling lamp setting.
- Other important features include 'S' type bayonet fitting reflectors and accessories allowing a wide range of accessories to be used. The combination of the softbox and umbrella is suited to individual portrait or fashion work and easy access to the controls ensures you can set just the right amount of light on your subject.
- The wireless slave trigger is an essential piece of equipment for managing your studio effectively and synchronously. Quality flight case and bag allows you to be ready and go in few minutes.
Customer Reviews
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.Well nice
By Buster
This is a nice bit of kit, the stands are so strong you could perch the wifes mother on them, the softbox themselves took some abuse from me and are still intact you have to make sure holes in ring are in line with corners of softbox. The photos i took of the grand kids were out of this world and has given my pentax a whole lease of life, the strobes are so powerfull i only used them at 1/32 of power, its a great buy.Regards Buster
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